Diaspora investment in sustainable rural youth entrepreneurship in Mali

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Through its Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), IFAD is working to mobilize Malian migrant investment to encourage economic development entrepreneurism and employment in Mali, and to stimulate the economic inclusion of young Malians and offer them an alternative to migration, particularly in rural areas.

Programme Migration & Diaspora (PMD)

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The PMD programme is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supports key actors in making more effective use of regular migration and diaspora engagement to achieve their development goals. Guided by the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), the program is implemented by GIZ in up to 25 partner countries and focuses on the following three components:


Philippine Experience: Effective Communication with Migrants as a Country of Origin

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

While the country does host a significant foreign-born community within its archipelago, the Philippines identifies itself as a country of origin, with approximately 10 million Filipinos Overseas who still call the Philippines home. It is for their protection, rights, and welfare, that the Philippine Government has emerged over the last 4 decades as a champion for global governance for the protection of migrants.

Diaspora engagement in agri-business

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)'s rural youth employement and agri-food systems in Ugrana project aims to foster diaspora investments in agricultural value chains in Uganda, by assessing and supporting institutional mechanisms, mapping Ugandan diaspora skills and expertise related to agri-business, and developing a diaspora in agribusiness network and road map for policy dialogue. 


Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Migrantour is an international project coordinated by the NGO Terra Vera, providing a new instrument for integration that promotes the cultural heritage brought by migrant citizens, asylum seekers and refugees. The project contributes to the development of a new narrative on the phenomenon of migration.

Through this project, migrants lead city tours for tourists and locals which showcase the contributions of migrants in to their home cities, and help to to share the personal stories of the guides.

"I am a migrant" IOM campaign

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The IOM's 'I am a migrant' campaign is a platform to promote diversity and inclusion of migrants in society. It’s specifically designed to support volunteer groups, local authorities, companies, associations, groups, indeed, anyone of goodwill who is concerned about the hostile public discourse against migrants.

Remittance and support services for Filipino migrants

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Global Pinoy offers remittance services for global and local Filipinos online. Furthermore, Global Pinoy has partnered with SM Cares to establish SM Global Pinoy Centers in SM Malls nationwide that offer services catered to the needs of the Overseas Filipino Workers and their families. Such services include free internet services, mobile phone charging, voice calls, beverages, BDO Remittance Pick-up services, and Foreign Exchange services by the SM Department Store.

PARE 1+1 Programme for Attracting Remittances into the Economy

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The PARE 1+1 Programme for Attracting  Remittances into the Economy, launched in 2010, offers funding to complement migrants’ financial resources and provides entrepreneurial training to migrants and their relatives for business development. The Programme also provides beneficiaries with information on the existing business opportunities. For this purpose, diaspora networks act as important information dissemination channels thus raising awareness on available investment opportunities in Moldova.


Jamaica Diaspora Agriculture Taskforce (JDAT) Investor Circle

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Jamaica Diaspora Agriculture Taskforce (JDAT) Investor Circle provides microfinance funding for local farmers. The Circle provides an opportunity for persons and organizations within diaspora and Jamaica, to pool their resources in an effort to assist the country’s agricultural sector. The JDAT has been engaging Jamaican farmers in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable organic farming.

Somali AgriFood Fund

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Somali AgriFood Fund is a seed capital investment matching fund, which targets the succesful Somali diaspora in the United States, Canada, European Union and Australia, matching their interest to invest with small and medium enterprises in agribusiness in Somalia on fishing, agriculture, food processing, packaging, cold storage facilities, and livestock.

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