• Roundtable Outcomes Summaries Now Available!

    Discover the key findings from the first Roundtable Consultations held in November 2024. A heartfelt thanks to the Co-chairs, Technical Experts, Facilitators, and all participants for their invaluable contributions to this collaborative effort.

  • The GFMD 2024-2025 Thematic Priorities

    The GFMD 2024-2025 program will center around the theme "Regular Migration, Labour Mobility, and Human Rights: Pillars of Development and Well-Being of Societies," woven through six key thematic priorities:

    • Roundtable 1 - Strength in Movement: The Impact of Women on Global Migration and Development
    • Roundtable 2 – Children and Youth on the Move: Innovators for Tomorrow’s Development
    • Roundtable 3 - The Interplay of Media and Culture to Construct and Deconstruct the Reality of Migration
    • Roundtable 4 - Climate Change: Safe Labour Routes as a Bridge to Prosperity 
    • Roundtable 5 - Regional Cooperation and Integration to Promote Safe and Regular Migration for Development
    • Roundtable 6 - New Technologies and Digitalization: Improving Migration Management and Regular Migration Pathways
  • The GFMD 2024-2025 Programme is online!

    Colombia, as GFMD Chair announced the thematic priorities of the Forum for 2024-2025 during a launch event held in Geneva on 3 September 2024.  The overarching theme of the programme will be "Regular Migration, Labour Mobility, and Human Rights: Pillars of Development and Well-Being of Societies".

  • Colombia Assumes GFMD Chair

    During an informal ceremony held at the Permanent Mission of France on 27 March, H.E. Mr. Jérôme Bonnafont, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Geneva officially handed over the GFMD Chair to H.E. Mr Gustavo Adolfo Gallón Giraldo, Permanent Representative of Colombia.

  • About the GFMD

    Created in 2007, the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a state-led, informal and non-binding process, which helps shape the global debate on migration and development. It provides a flexible, multi-stakeholder space where governments can discuss the multi-dimensional aspects, opportunities and challenges related to migration, development, and the link between these two areas. The GFMD process allows governments - in partnership with civil society, the private sector, local and regional governments, youth, the UN system and other relevant stakeholders – to discuss sensitive issues, share policies and practices and explore innovative solutions.