IOM Stability Index Dashboard

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

IOM has developed a stability index which measures perceptions of security, expectations to stay in the same place, perceptions of underlying conflict issues, at community level. IOM creates maps, ranks locations, looks at the impact of stabilization initiatives and identifies if more humanitarian or environmental measures are needed. The maps allow for a ranking of locations, providing a view of impact of stabilization initiatives, but also informing which locations may be ready for different types of interventions (more humanitarian, peace building or more developmental)

One International Migration Data

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Recognizing the importance of data provision in migration policy, the enaction of Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia, aims to help government to collect, manage, and utilize data accurately: sophisticatedly, integrated, accountable, accessible, and usable. Following this regulation, the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) has initiated the One International Migration Data project, which will facilitate collection of data on migration during the population census in 2020.


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

KNOMAD is an open, inclusive, multidisciplinary knowledge partnership. Since its inception, it has served as a brain trust for the global migration community, generating a menu of policy choices based on analytical evidence, evaluation of policies, data collection, and quality control. KNOMAD 1.2 signals a new phase with a stronger commitment to provide technical assistance and undertake pilot projects to support countries to adjust their policies and programs amidst a changing and challenging landscape on migration.  

Admission and Stay Based On Human Rights And Humanitarian Grounds: A Mapping Of National Practice

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in collaboration with DLA Piper Law Firm and civil society organisations, has undertaken a pilot mapping of national forms of admission and stay which are based on human rights or humanitarian grounds. 

Volume II of the Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Volume II of the Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change provides for examples of humanitarian protection mechanisms for the admission and stay of cross-border disaster-displaced persons.

It compiles a broad set of humanitarian protection measures, which may be based on regular immigration law, regional or bilateral agreements on the free movement of persons, exceptional immigration categories, or provisions related to the protection of refugees or similar norms of international human rights law.


Collecting Data at the Local Level to Enhance Migration Management for Development - The Philippines

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In the region of Calabarzon, the regional government established a mixed-model approach to collecting migration data from across various sources and developed a guide to support local government units in applying the same.

The Anti Rumour Strategy (ARS) Handbook

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on

The Anti Rumor Strategy (ARS) is a long-term process of social change that proposes to explore and influence the causes of xenophobia, taking into account specific socio-cultural contexts. Its purpose is to prevent discrimination, improve coexistence, and harness the potential of diversity by triggering a change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors among the general population and specific target groups. The ARS was first promoted in 2010 in Barcelona with a current presence in six Spanish cities and 12 in Europe.

Study on attitudes to migrants, communication and local leadership

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

AMICALL was a transnational action project, coordinated by COMPAS in 2011-2012, exploring the role of Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) in communicating with their citizens about the difficult questions raised by migration. Led by a partnership of six European research institutions, with the Council of Europe as an associate partner, the project provided a platform for the sharing of good practice and the development of new strategies for the communication of positive attitudes towards migrants and migrant integration at the local and regional level.

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