The Rural Youth Mobility Project

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In both Tunisia and Ethiopia, rural outmigration, especially of youth, is a reality challenging rural development and transformation, although in different ways. To respond to these challenges, the objectives of the e Rural Youth Mobility Project (RYM) project were to address the adverse drivers of migration, while at the same time enhancing the positive impact of rural outmigration of youth on food security and rural development in rural areas of origin.

AGEST - Job Fairs for Venezuelans Refugees

Chile has set in place the AGEST Job fairs for Venezuelan refugees through which, upon invitation of the state-operated training and employment agency (SENCE), the national federation of the private sector in Chile (AGEST) conducts job fairs and streamlines job application processes to reduce the risk of refugees joining informal markets and provide options to access the formal sector

Mr. Camille Saadé

Colombia's Temporary Protection Status (Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, or ETPV),

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In February 2021, the Colombian government launched the Temporary Protection Status (Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, or ETPV), a legal mechanism which facilitates the transition of migrants from an emergency migratory regime to a regularization status, granting access to formal employment, education, healthcare, and financial services for almost two million Venezuelan migrants and refugees. 

Shaping development-oriented migration (MEG)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Global Programme “Shaping development-oriented migration” (MEG) assists partner countries in leveraging the benefits of regular migration and engaging diaspora for sustainable development.

Working on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the MEG is active in up to 15 partner countries around the globe. It contributes towards implementing the GCM and is part of a comprehensive approach to migration and development. The MEG contributes to the following objectives: 

Guidance on Bilateral labour migration agreements

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

It contains practical guidance grounded in international labour and human rights standards and drawing from real examples around the world. It shows how social dialogue benefits the development, implementation and monitoring of these agreements, and can be used as a basis for training and preparing for negotiation of bilateral labour migration agreements.

An employerís guide to fair recruitment

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This guide explores the steps of a fair recruitment process, identifies good practices that a company of any size can take to ensure a good recruitment decision and looks at the pitfalls that can frustrate that outcome being realized

The Guide also acts as a resource for Employer and Business Membership Organisations (EMBOs) in helping to upskill recruitment practices amongst their members, improving productivity outcomes and helping avoid adverse harm to people in line with the expectations of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. I

Musaned system

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Established in 2015, Saudi Arabiaís Musaned is the online digital recruitment platform for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. Overseen by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MoHRSD), Musaned has provided the MoHRSD with a wide range of data and tools to enhance their monitoring capabilities over the employment of migrant domestic workers.

Musaned was established, in part, to address issues faced by migrant domestic workers, including unethical or illegal recruitment and employment practices in Saudi Arabia

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Project is conceived in response to various facets of labour migration, fair and ethical recruitment and sustainable reintegration, gaps and challenges relating to safe, orderly and regular labour migration and improved skills recognition, in the corridors between South and South-East Asia and the Middle East. The project is designed on the first phase of the SDC supported regional project, ìStrengthening Labour Migration Governance through Regional Cooperation in Colombo Process Countriesî.

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