Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) focuses on enhancing the capacities of host governments and civil society to support the resilience of local communities. Its primary objective is to strengthen migration governance, promote partnerships, and enhance preparedness for crises. This program will enhance the coordination and cooperation of governments in addressing migration challenges and leveraging multiple opportunities associated with well-managed migration for both migrants and host societies. 

The White House Report on Climate Migration

This report provides an overview of climate change and its impact on migration that informs a proposal for how U.S. foreign assistance can better address the effects of climate change impacts on displacement and migration. It goes further to outline options for protection and resettlement of individuals displaced directly or indirectly from climate change and identifies opportunities for the United States to work with other stakeholders, including through multilateral engagement, to address migration resulting directly or indirectly from climate change. 

Mr. Camille Saadé

Migration Partnership Facility

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) is a European Union (EU)-funded initiative supporting the external dimension of EU migration policy. Launched in January 2016, the MPF supports dialogue and cooperation on migration and mobility between EU Member States and priority partner countries outside the EU.  

The MPF, currently in its fourth phase, operates mainly through grants aligned with priorities outlined in its Calls for Proposals. MPF grants cover two main thematic areas:

Plan of Attention to Migrant Caravan with a humanitarian approach

As of January 2019, the Government of Mexico launched the Migrant Caravan Attention Plan, in which all federal agencies participate, under the direction of the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection and the Ministry of the Interior, especially the INM and under the coordination of the National Coordination of Civil Protection (CNPC). The Plan, that has been implemented since the beginning of the new government, establishes interinstitutional actions to ensure a humanitarian approach to the arrival of migrants and to regulate their entry so that it is legal, orderly and safe.

Mr. Camille Saadé
Urban Partnership for the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Established under the Urban Agenda for the European Union (EU), the Urban Partnership for the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees brings together EU Member States, EU institutions, local authorities and civil society to contribute to develop integration policies related to different areas including education, the labour market and housing.

Mr. Camille Saadé

Reception and Integration System (SAI)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Italy, the System for the Protection of Refugees and Unaccompanied Minors (SIPROMI) is a publicly funded network of local authorities and NGOs, which accommodates unaccompanied children and provides them access to the Italian social protection system, including legal support, legal guardianship, access to health, including psychological counselling, access to Italian language classes and to mainstream education programmes. In some contexts, opportunities for vocational training and job opportunities through partnerships with social cooperatives and the private sector.

The Year of Return - Ghana 2019

In 2019, Ghana successfully hosted The Year of Return, Ghana 2019, a year-long programme of activities to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first recorded enslaved Africans in the State of Virginia in the United States.

These activities included visits to heritage sites, healing ceremonies, theatre and musical performances, lectures, investment forums and relocation conferences. The aim was to promote Ghana as a tourist destination and investment opportunity as well as to encourage resettlement in the motherland for the Africans in the diaspora. 


Costanza Bindi

No Nation Fashion (NNF)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

No Nation Fashion (NNF) is a celebration of cultures and a testament to the incredible potential of migration. Born in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), NNF is a collaborative effort between migrants and local designers, powered by the support of IOM. NNF mission is to harness the richness of diversity and the potential of migration through fashion and its vision is to promote the inclusion of migrants by actively participating in the creation of more inclusive societies.

The Baharat cookbook

In 2021 IOM Turkey launched “Baharat” – a collection of Turkish and Syrian recipes inspired by IOM Turkey’s Protection and Psychosocial Programme’s socio-cultural activities. The cookbook is available digitally and in print in three languages: English, Turkish and Arabic. It features 12 recipes that are unique to both Turkish and Syrian cuisine, along with commentaries from Syrian and Turkish participants.

Costanza Bindi
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