Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) Initiative: Promoting Migrant and Refugee Integration Through a City-Led Podcast

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Montréal deepens its commitment to implement the Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) initiative, first pledged to the Call to Local Action in 2022, by launching a podcast - “Biais d’Entrée” (Entry Bias). The podcast aims to support Montréal companies in developing effective welcoming strategies for migrants and refugees and making their companies more diverse and inclusive.

Strengthening Maipú’s Governance Capacity to Promote Social Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Maipú Municipality commits to strengthen its local capacity to govern migration and forced displacement in a way that promotes social inclusion and peaceful coexistence between migrant and refugee families and other members of the community.

The City of Dallas Community Ambassador Program: Facilitating Access to Information and Services for Linguistically Diverse Communities

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Dallas commits to implement the Community Ambassadors Programme. Rooted in Dallas’ Welcoming Strategic Plan, this programme aims to raise awareness of municipal services in linguistically diverse communities and to enhance communication between the city and its residents.

In collaboration with local non-profits, the City of Dallas has recruited immigrant residents as community ambassadors, engaging them directly in neighbourhoods that host high numbers of migrants and refugees.

National Anti-Racism Strategy

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a plan to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework. The Framework will be a long-term, central reference point to guide actions on anti-racism by government, NGOs, business, educators, health professionals, police, other justice authorities, civil society, and the community.

Citizens Perception Laboratory on Migration

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Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) launched the Citizens Perception Laboratory on Migration, which analyses social media interaction, research, and other sources of information with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to provide insights into how migration is perceived in Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative offers information, resources and tools to accompany governments in their response to xenophobia.

Voices of Venezuela

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ëVoices of Venezuelaí: aims at building a bridge of understanding between cultures, combatting xenophobia, and showcasing the contribution of Venezuelan migrants to their host communities. It developed a series called ëSome Venezuelans Thereí, which provides explanatory videos in animated format to help migrantsí understand relevant processes such as visas/residence permits application, and access to medical care and education.

ëDel otro ladoí (On the other side)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

ëDel otro ladoí (On the other side) is a project ñ co-created with migrant and refugees ? that focuses on creating an interactive narrative, based on true stories, to inform the audience about Venezuelan displacement and raise awareness about the problems faced by Venezuelan refugees. A 3D computer-graphic was developed to allow the audience to choose among the different experiences that Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Ecuador had experienced.

EUROMED Migration V (EMM5)

In the framework of the EUROMED Migration V project, trainings to sensitise journalists and media professionals about the benefits of promoting a balanced narrative on migration are organised. Public Communicatorsí Workshops are developed to highlight the central role of public communicators in informing the public debate on migration, and in shaping people's perceptions of migration.

Anonymous (not verified)

#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

IOM and UNHCR are coordinating In Peru the ë#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign. The campaign spans civil society and the private sector, and is designed to increase the solidarity of the Peruvian society towards Venezuelan immigrants, through social media, community workshops, and street theatre performance.

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