Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN), Georgia

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) program is managed by IOM and the Georgian State Ministry of Diaspora Issues. It allows for the temporary return of Georgian nationals to Georgia in order to transfer their skills to their hosts organizations.

Georgia has been engaged in TRQN programmes for some time. It has a large and wellresourced IOM office, which is both very supportive and very strategic. Unlike many  other countries, it has an active State Minister’s office for Diaspora Issues and a task

Réseau International des Congolais de l'Exterieur (RICE) ( International Network of Congolese Abroad)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The International Network of Congolese Abroad (Réseau International des Congolais de l'Exterieur - RICE), is an association that gathers the Congolese diapora in France.

In October 2013 it launched a call for a business plan of €50,000 to finance local projects orthe creation of enterprises to the benefit of entrepreneurs from DRC, Gabon and the Republic of Congo.  


Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Ghanacoop is a social cooperative promoting the competences of Ghanaian migrants residing in the Province of Modena, Italy. The cooperative was created through IOM's Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) programme, which supports migrant diasporas wishing to invest in their country through skills transfer and new enterprises,

The Ghanaian diaspora have partnered with local government and local business to set up agrarian cooperatives back home, which in turn trade their produce with the community in Italy.

ERGEM - Enhancing the Role of Georgian Emigrants at Home

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The project "Enhancing the Role of the Georgian Emigrants at Home (ERGEM)" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in cooperation with project partners. The main aim of the project is to contribute to strengthening the ties between Georgians abroad and Georgian institutions in order to increase diaspora contributions to Georgia's economic development.

Strengthening Policy Making Capacities of African Diaspora Ministries (SEDIMA)African Diaspora Policy Centre (ADPC)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The African Diaspora Policy Centre (ADPC) programme Strengthening Policy Making Capacities of African Diaspora Ministries (SEDIMA), which ran from July 2012 to July 2015, aims to contribute to strengthening policy making capacities and practical operations of African government officials serving at the newly-formed Diaspora Ministries and related institutions tasked with overseeing Diaspora and development-related matters.

Prime-Minister Disposition on the whole-of-Government approach on Migration and Diaspora

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Disposition of the Prime-Minister on the implementation of the-whole-of-Government approach on Migration and Diaspora wsa signed on 07.06.2013. According to the document in all national authorities (30 state institutions) there is a focal point responsible for implementation, and a key person responsible for promotion of the Diaspora Policies. The novelty of the Moldovan Mainstreaming is based on two key items – empiric-based approach to policy design and policy coherence issue.

Envoi d'argent Website

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This website offers both comparison of remittance costs on 26 corridors from France, and editorial space for diaspora to communicate on their activities and exchange ideas on the blog.

It has contributed to fostering competition between remittance operators through increased transparency and information. It is also widely used by diaspora members as a platform to share information. 

Programme to Support the Solidarity Initiatives for Development (Programme d’Appui aux Initiatives de Solidarité pour le Développement / The Co-Development Programme)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This bilateral program aims to facilitate actions undertaken by Senegalese diaspora members living in France for the economic and social development of their country of origin. It has four main components:

OECD Database on Migrants in OECD Countries

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This database is based on censuses of OECD countries and provides comprehensive and comparative information on a broad range of demographic and labour market characteristics of immigrants living in OECD countries. It is helpful to better understand migrant characteristics and inform policy development in this regard: highly qualified migration and brain drain issues, available skills and qualifications among diaspora members, localization and so on. 

Independent Parliamentary Committee on Circular Migration and Development

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In 2009 the Swedish government appointed an independent Parliamentary Committee on Circular Migration and Development, with the task of examining the link between circular migration and development by mapping circular migration to and from Sweden and identifing factors that influence migrants’ opportunities to circulate.

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